World of Lies

by Lipton   Nov 9, 2004

So many people are hiding,
Hiding behind a mask of lies.
They want to keep people from finding,
The truth that's there inside.

Why do we have to act unreal?
Why do we keep the truth so hidden?
Why must we hide behind our fears?
Why do we keep ourselves locked in?

So we keep ourselves locked in iron fetters...
Are we just afraid, that people won't like us?
Do we think they'll like us better,
If we lie directly to their faces?

People don't want to know a lie,
They want to know what lays inside.
I want to know, what it is you feel...
I want to know the you that's real.

So why must we act so two-faced?
Why can't we just be honest?
Why must we run a different race,
Then the one set before us?

– Thomas Brooks ©


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  • 20 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    wonderful poem and very true

  • wow so true! i think its a great poem! its very true and a beautiful poem! love it 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Johnny Marlin 2

    Hey, I'm glad you found that, it is an awesome poem. good job, and keep writing.

  • 20 years ago

    by dandy

    I often wonder the same things......A lie is a lie and there's no way around it. Great job! ~dandy~

  • 20 years ago

    by vanessarrr

    great poem. wow, i wish i could find my first poems. this was a masterpiece. keep it up. take care:)