No one seems to understand me.
They can't comprehend the endless enigma of my feelings.
I try to explain why I feel the way I feel,
And act the way I act,
But no one seems to want to listen.
People who say they're my friends
Are as fake as a new set of boobs.
They say things behind my back and get angry when I slip into my moods.
They tag me as some foolish scag.
Someone with no common sense,
In reality I have no one to comfort me.
Just people who happen to be around when I have a problem.
But you know what?
They can act as ignorant as they want to;
They can taunt, tease, and try to betray me;
But they can never crush my spirit.
They can never make me give up.
For all I care, they can crawl under a rock and DIE!
Because life goes on for me, I'm gonna be alright.
*This is for haters and those who claim to be my friends but stab me in the back and tell lies about me and have people looking at me funny.*