Who are you to tell me?

by !*!Zoe!*!   Nov 10, 2004

I’ve gone through the pain and suffering,
I’ve handled the mockeries and insults,
I’ve dreamt of living no longer,
And so far these are my results.

It doesn’t “do” to be unhappy,
It’s not “okay” to be depressed,
“Oh my darling, are you cutting?
A shrink, may I suggest?”

Apparently, it’s not okay to cut,
To slit way up your wrist,
I found out that it’s not “decent”
To say you don’t wish to exist.

Well, to you “perfect” people,
You don’t understand,
You just don’t seem to get,
That you’re not in command.

I can do what the Hell I want,
I can kill myself if I like,
Because who are you to say,
That what I’m doing isn’t right!?


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  • 19 years ago

    by FlamingRoses81

    I love this poem, I can relate to some things, your a good writer too....


  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    i feel this way sometimes...yea ilove this poem...wow

  • 20 years ago

    by Jillianna

    WOW! i loved this poem, i can realate to it on things that i have been through..thanks for the input on my poem that you commented on.

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Although you and I strongly disagree with some things you are an amazing writer. I am blown away by the few poems of yours I have read. I hope that you were not offended about the comments I made of you being 13, I just feel so strongly about certain things and there are things that younger people just don't understand unless they have actually been there and seen it. I was only 10 or 11 when my sister had her abortion, I was there, you misunderstood, not actually watching the baby coming out but I was there to see what it did to her life when she came out of that doctor's office. At 10 years old I KNEW it was WRONG to do what my sister did, I understood it was MURDER. (Whether or not I was the ONLY one that thought that way, I didn't care, I hated it) I know that anyone can understand if they experience it. And to be 13 you DO understand a thing or two about life, I can see that in your poetry .....Anyway I have been rambling, I apologize...Look forward to future debates with you.....Take Care

  • 20 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    i liked it... gave it a 5... =) hope u pass by mine =)