SiX mOnthS - *

by Kristen   Nov 11, 2004

Six months ago today
i began my life with you
not knowing of the love we'd have
not having the slightest clue
six months ago today
i met you, and you met me
and we were to have the greatest love
that there could ever be
when i looked into your eyes
i knew that it was there
that loving feeling i felt for you
and the love that we would share
who knew that we'd fall so hard
and that we'd love so strong
who knew we'd keep what we had
and make it last so long
who that you would change my life
and i would change yours too
who knew you'd fall in love with me
and me in love with you
six months of being happy
and sometimes being sad
memories of things that we went through
some of which were bad
but for every kiss we'd share
and spending all the time we could
made up for all those other times
when things just weren't so good
so if i say it wasn't worth it
if I'm angry or upset
remember that our time together
is something i will never regret
days and months and years
will come and they will go
and my feelings that i have for you
will only continue to grow


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  • 20 years ago

    by MeL JoY

    omg i love your poems!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by kate

    I loved this poem it reminds me of me and my boyfriend I'm really touched!!