In nightmare shades and dreamy hues,
Envision the stark beauty of
Life's monotonous dynamics,
Nature’s loving circle in birth,
Coupled in chilling climax with
Humanity’s historical
Assassin-gifted horizon:
Incandescences of twilight,
Purple, red, orange swathed in blue;
And rumbling storms of dust, steel
With parallel tracks 'cross a sea
Of tossing, exploding white sands;
Silent chimes of shadow's pinholes
Blinking in the midnight heavens
To the celestial marks of
A laughing, crying conductor.
Sweet catharsis of plague, hunger,
Murder, rape, setting the scene as
Aid and solace venture forth with
Dispondent happiness over
The eternal cacophonous
Stage of quaint human endeavor.
Sweetly gifting spires of green
And autumn yellow-brick laden
With juicy globes and prickling cones;
Faux-rock mountains of glistening
Beacons to maggot-ridden waste
Lying labeled, broken outside
Hazy streets and homes of city
Terraformers and artists trained
From radiant youth in theories
Of genocidal landscaping.
The past is gone, the past is done.
The present is making, being.
The future is coming, daring.
The future is a new world
Founded on the past, strengthened by
The ever-never present now.