Lonely girl

by stephyG   Nov 12, 2004

Lonely girl alone at night
rivers of tears she can no longer fight.
long black hair drenched to the tip
faded green eyes, an endless pit.
body so frozen, from all the pain
she lies in the tub, has nothing to regain.
skin as pale as snow, she has no where to go.
down her pale face, her eyeliner drips, cuts all over her arms, so blue are her lips.
surrounded by her blood, the waters no longer clear. her fears and her troubles will now disappear.
a world that was so blind could never be the same, without the lonely girl who nobody knew her name.
she was only 16 and nobody will ever see, that next time it could be you, because this time it was me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Shalane

    Besides myself!(Smile) You are my favorite poet!! I really love most of your poems!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Omg, the last lines made it amazinger then tghe whole thing already was...wonderful, you are phenomenal Stephy, I must add you to my favorites somehow...must delete somone...god, incredible.. xxxxxxx


  • 20 years ago

    by Mentally_Unable

    i really liked this poem this was kind of deep

  • 20 years ago

    by Johnny Marlin 2

    Amazing poem... thanks for the comment. Very well written, very powerful message. It sounds like it came from the heart. Keep writing, I look forward to reading more