Come To The Night

by Leyesto   Nov 12, 2004

Come to the Night
Once we lived
Now we die
Cold and shriveled
Low and close the grave
Never high in the sky
Always dark and unforgiving
We will never see
Never see the sun
Never see a future
Only a dismal past
Memories haunt us
And mistakes torment us
Love is gone
Banished from our hearts
Only hatred and jealousy remain
We sit and wait in the dark shadows
Wait for prey
Wait for the time of death
We grow hungry
Hungry for life
The dream of crimson
Your blood flows like crimson rivers
Your fear is our delight
We drink it
Bathe in your fear
Your screams areour music
We dance to it
The sweetest sound on the planet
Your blood is our wine
We savor its taste
Like a sweet wine
So come to the dark
Come to our feast
Bring only yourselves
Come and play in the shadowing dark of


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  • 20 years ago

    by Leyesto

    comment and be remembered