This is why

by xblackxrosesx79x   Nov 13, 2004

You always ask "Why"
why would i do this
why take this knife and draw this blood
why do this to myself
you always ask why i have to make the cuts so deep
well i have to cause myself more pain
than you have caused me
in order to heal
in order to make myself feel better
to feeel the relief
i have to feel more pain from myself
than that which you have caused
that is why my cuts are so deep
and with everything you do
everything you say
slowly increasing my hurt
the cuts get deeper
the scars last longer
so be careful just how much you hurt me
beacuse the more you hurt me
the more i hurt myself
don't push me too far
don't hurt me too badly
theres only so much i can take
so just be careful
because i just might not be here some day

***not a cutter***


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  • 20 years ago

    by Ashlee

    wow elly...that poem was amazing..but i cant beileve that you would cut yourself! ive gone threw that hole really isnt worth it if you think about it..but im sorry that this guy is causing you pain! your wonderful, you shouldnt have to feel pain..well great job writin ..much love!

  • 20 years ago

    by §asha

    wow i really felt this poem....i think a lot of pple can relate 2 this..well at least from this site....keep writin

  • 20 years ago

    by ~Bloodied&Broken

    OMG! SO AWSOME! I feel like that so often and that poem truly relates to me- AWSOME! You are Very Talented! Keep it up! 5/5

    -Luv KT