
by Sunny   Nov 13, 2004

All i wanted was a dad
But no,
Instead i got you.
I tried so hard to be good enough
I tried so hard to fit in with your family
But no,
I'll never be good enough for you
You'll never be there for me
You'll never care about me
When i saw you today all i wanted was a hug
Or a smile or a hello
But no,
You offered nothing
You didn't even look at me!
I told myself i wouldn't cry
I told myself that i would stay p*ssed off
But no,
here i sit bawling like the pussy i am
Like the good for nothing piece of sh*t
That you see me as
What did i ever do to you?
Why do you hate me so?
All i ever wanted was a dad
But i guess I'll never be good enough to have you
I'll cling to our pictures from that beautiful white Christmas
And someday when your grandkids ask about you
A tear will fall
But they won't understand
Because they're good enough for their daddy
He'll never do to them what you've done to me
Maybe someday you'll realize that you love me
But someday may be too late


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  • 20 years ago

    by Lynz

    Hey, well, I knew you could write, but that actually made me cry. Some people, not knowing everything I know dont get the full effect of what they're reading, but unfortunately, I was also thrown into this mess, and in this poem, I can feel your pain. That was an awesome x-mas when you visited us. I wish it would have lasted. I know that I will never be your sister in your eyes, but to me, you are a sister of mine, you always have been since the day your dad told me about you. Hopefully someday everyone will realize what they are doing now, and fix the mistakes, and make up for time that was lost. I love ya like a sister....
    love always-

  • 20 years ago

    by Johnny Marlin 2

    That's sad. I feel bad for you, but keep on writing, it helps through the pain... If you have a chance, check mine out...