I Thought it Was Different

by Chelsea R.   Nov 13, 2004

All these feelings
that I can't explain
you have no idea
you put me through so much pain

or maybe you do
but you don't even care
all I ever wanted
was for you to be there

but life is never fair
what I got was a broken heart
crying alone in my room
while the only one I love tore me apart

you'll never understand
why did I believe you when all you did was lie
I thought it was different with you
but you were just another guy

I'm tired of hurting
giving up on ever finding someone true
I wish I could get you off my mind
at the same time I know no one will ever compare to you

As much as you might like to think you will
you won't ever find another me
someone to love you like I did, and still do
you won't ever know how happy we could be

because it's over now
and you're my brother's best friend
I already gave myself to you
but still it was forced to end


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    ya i guess i've just had some bad experiences with guys but I definetely won't go lez lol! but ya newayz...lol thanx for commenting.


  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    Hey chels nate again... hey I wanted you to know not all guys are jerks and stuff k don't like go lez or something (lol) cuz some guys are jerks some of them are cool ya know and hey you seem cool email me sometime if ya want Heyitsmells@msn.com k that's cool huh? anyways great poem love it k