My Wings

by Luz   Nov 15, 2004

I wish I could be a fortune teller
And see what the future brings
Actually my true wish is to fly
So lightly upon my wings

I could run away on Christmas
And never look back to see
This house of little horrors
That’s waiting here for me

I could fly away from the friendships
That often make me cry
I could meet a whole new land of people
If I could only fly

I could escape the pain and sorrow
That seems to consume my day
My wings upon my shoulder
Are my new found form of faith

I could be that dark angel
Who escapes every time
From the darkness, hurt, and anger
That have long been confined

I could fly away from the screams
That always hurt my ears
Erase the angry words
That fall with every tear

I could fly away from the memories
And simply leave them behind
The visions of new places
Will erase them from my mind

I could go so many places
And see so many things
I could escape this horrid life
If I only had my wings

By Luz Ramirez

* Well this poem came to me in a ddream at like 3 o clock in the morning today and i just had to write it down I dunno it's ok i guess tell me what you think :)*


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  • 20 years ago

    by yaRis

    Great poem Luz (aka: Light JK) N-e ways i love ur poem, is really nice i hope from the heart someday ull get ur wings and if u don't at least i wish that u did have a dream that u got ur wings and at least there u were happy! great poem gurla... ciao....

  • 20 years ago

    by Luz

    Thanks for the comment

    yah i agree with you I've been having trouble finding a way to get through all my feelings in my poetry but yah i'll keep trying none the less

    thanks again