
by spunk   Nov 15, 2004

Looking in my mirror
seeing my reflection
trying to look for a reason
a reason why i feel this way
looking through the window
searching for the answer
why I'm growing up so fast
i realized I'm stuck between two forces
and i don't know which path to choose
i tell myself to wait another day
but my life is going by so fast
i miss the days when my mother held me in her arms
held me as i cried, and tucked me in my bed
but these days have now past
now i have to make these memories last
i am about to face the world
and i don't know what to do
what choices i have to make
and what promises i have to loose
i miss my life before it ended
now i have to start new
a new journey has no landed
which ever path i choose
i will have to walk it
mistakes will wait ahead of me
and regrets will be behind me
i will hold my Head high
and make my dreams fly


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  • 20 years ago

    by R......

    i feel the same way im about to leave middle school and i feel like everything is going by so fast i see people ive known since kindergarden and it makes me want to cry because ill never see them again i also have to chose my path between high schools the one with all my friends and the one that will get me all my scholar ships w/out question i love your poems plz keep writing