All is getting dark
The end is sure to come
Everything is drawing closed
My life will soon be over and done.
When I finally do leave
Please don't be too sad for me
I'll be in a better place
Someday you'll see.
Don't shed too many tears
Over the life I've lost
Because your grief and misery
Will come at your own cost.
Your pain and sadness will eventually fade
In time your broken heart will heal
I know that now your life seems shattered
These past few days have seemed unreal.
I don't want to have to leave you
But I'm afraid it's time for me to go
Just promise to think of me
Whether sun is shining, or the ground is covered with snow
Forever more I'll be with you
My spirit will be everything around you
I'll be all of nature's little miracles
And your own guardian angel, too.
I'll be the autumn wind whispering
And the gentle spring rain that touches your face
The gentle summer breeze at your side
And the winter snow, falling with grace.
My vision is clouding over
My mind is going black
My weak heartbeat is fading
My breath is raspy and hard to catch.
You sit beside my bed
Yet you seem so far
I can hear you praying for me
And wishing upon every star.
But now all has gotten dark
The end must have come
All has drawn closed
My life is over and done.