Please do not be mad for I am what I am.
I don’t understand how you can be so blBlanes it me that made you that way? I know for a fact it couldn't be true
I am the one with all the fun and glgoldo please don’t even start. I pledpleadh you to take my hand, join in the fun that wont be lost with your tenderness.
I do know that you are one, that wont be found lost in a crowd so please be that way with me.
I Know you will not be lost nor found, your just that type. I can not figure out why you are so different
With I, the one who excepts everyone. I am quite confused by this but really that’s what draws me to you.
You are the one that I see so clearly but at the same time remain fuzzy a mystery of delight is what I always say! never will I lose my interest in you.