Comments : What was never real

  • 20 years ago

    by Jose Herrera

    great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by miss scooby

    Well here's some advice for you...


    i really enjoyed this poem, dont listen to what people say about ur poetry, never doubt urself for 1 minute...even if someone does not like your poem, never change the way you write because someone doesnt like have talent obviously and if someone has something different to be it. i like ur poems they are awsome....keep up the AWSOME job

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    Hey, I think your poetry is really good. Please don't let Tessa get you down. She's just the type that is insecure about herself and has to pick on someone else to feel better. No worries! Gotta believe in karma. She'll get what's coming to her. Meanwhile, don't let her stop you! You have a lot of potential and I really hope you keep writing.