My Thank You Letter

by Heather Clark   Nov 16, 2004

This is for my bestest friend ever Mi prima

Thank you for being there for me,
All those nights I spent crying
And wanting to die
You never turned away.
Because of you
I no longer live life
Feeling afraid and alone.
Thank you for helping me up
When it felt as if
I had fallen so far that I was stuck.
Thank you for excepting me for me.
You never judge me
Or point out my flaws.
You make me comfortable
By being you
And letting me be me.
Thank you for standing by me
When I thought everyone was against me.
Thank you for pulling me closer
And never letting me go,
When I tried to push you away.
I want you to know,
When I tried pushing you away
It was because I love you
And I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint you,
Thank you for being true to me,
I know I am hard-headed and stubborn
I also know I make it hard at times.
And I am sorry,
For every time I ever hurt you
And thank you for never giving up on our friendship.
No matter how many obstacles
We’ve come across
You always stay
And we make it through
Thank you for trusting me
And making me feel important,
For making me laugh
And telling me it is okay to cry.
Thank you for encouraging me
To be me and only me,
For believing in me
When I found it difficult
To believe in anything.
Thank you for loving me
And being my best friend.
Thank you for
Every sacrifice you have ever made.
There is nobody who could
Ever take your place
Or come close to the person you are
Or do the things you do.
You are one of a kind.
You are my one and only
And I love you with all my heart.
Thank you fro everything
I appreciate all you do.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    awww, very sweet poem!