Lost love/friend.

by Browneyes   Nov 16, 2004

I was the one you loved
and I loved you too
You told me what would I do If I got pregnant by you.
You told me you wanted us to last a life time.
But everything you told me was a lie
everyday I sit and cry, wishing you never said goodbye.


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  • 20 years ago


    i like your poem dont let other say crap about u you know aint true your poem was short and to the point so shell go to hell ok hey that rymes haha

    from ___shaina____ the 1 amd only bch

  • 20 years ago

    by Hayley

    i like your poem its short and true. and shell needs to understand that its not always the girls fault if she gets pregnant. dont let that ass of a boy friend taht left you get you down. you'll find better that will love you and your baby, great poem. dont let shell get you down.

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandy

    I really like ur poem and don't let Shell put u down or anyone...ur poem is really nice...

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*BlueBerryBtch*~

    hey browneyes
    thankx for the compliment... no problem about the sticking up for u... ppl shouldn't be hating, u were just expressing how u feel and shell was just being a btch

  • 20 years ago

    by Rachel

    Why do people use these comment things to insult people? Its called C.O.M.M.E.N.T.S for a reason.

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