
by Dawn Manna   Nov 17, 2004

There is
A girl
Sitting alone
On the
Floor crying
Because you
Said you
Loved her
But you
Left her
Alone to
Cry without
Anyone by
Her side.
Now your
Jealous because
She has
A man
And you
Are left
Alone to


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  • 18 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    MUCH BETTER! this poem actually touched me. It was very short, but incredibbly great. I loved the emotion you put into it and as far as i can see you did not make any errors.
    Great job,
    ~stephen white.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cella Bella

    I actually liked this a lot. It seem so much as a poem as it did a really long sentence broken up into little lines. But, for some reason it works well. 5/5


  • 20 years ago

    by Dawn Manna

    thank you for the comments

  • I liked it...I just think that you should probably not have it in 2 words each line lol it gets confusing