All alone....
broken inside....
don't know what to do,
since i lost you.
I still love you..I still care....
I still live my life wishing you were there.
I love you with all my heart,
even though i know you don't love me at all....
You were my first of many things...
My first first kiss....first guy to make me feel special.
But I'm alone now....
just me, my knife, and my pills....
all alone in my room.....
listening to my music...
so loud no one can hear me scream
blood dripping from my wrist...
the pain that won't ever leave....
all locked inside...
because of one person..
because i was left alone....
with no reason why...
you had no reason to leave me,
but you did anyway.
there was no one else,
no one who loved me or treated me like you did.
no one like i wish would.....
so here i am...all alone..all because you left me...