Your so good at making me sad,
your so good at making me mad,
I'm just so sick of you till the end,
you don't have to pretend,
you think you can control others,
remember your not gonna be around forever,
we have been friends for along time,
but tell why do i look back and not cry,
I'm over you,
and ive made it through,
I'm not gonna make the same mistake again,
cause i realized you weren't a real friend,
but breaking a friend ship that was so close,
is just really really low,
and the way you talk to me,
you would never believe,
i cant take you shit,
but I'm holding myself close to live,
tears did shed from my eyes,
but now i boil from inside,
i control myself to not charge,
instead i stand there and laugh,
i don't want to be your friend,
and i hope you don't do it to your next best friend.