
by Kylie   Nov 18, 2004

Her house is not a home,
She always feels alone.
Her friends dont have a clue
About what shes going through.
They know something is wrong
but they'll just go along.
Because they dont see
The hurt that wont set her free.

She dresses up like a beauty queen
but it would hardly happen
even in her dreams.
Just when she thinks
things might go right
her mother and she
get into a fight...

Her running mascara
is joined by her tears
all she knows
are hatred and fear.

The only physical violence
which could occur,
would be her killing herself...

Yes, suicide
not murder.


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  • 20 years ago

    by brandy

    kylie hmm... i know you wouldn't do that cuz you had to talk me out of cutting myself , but i love all your poems!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Mentally_Unable

    i have notice the majority of the poems i read are about suicide but i think that ur poem was nice and solid it has a sad beginning and a tragic ending just like i love my movies. but i think u did an excellent job