Comments : Do you Remember?

  • 20 years ago

    by ~Bloodied&Broken

    OMG! THAT IS SUPPERB! Ablsolutly full of emotion and you are marvelous at writing- it made me cry! That is just magnificant and full of emotion!
    KEEP IT UP! 5/5* (though i wish i could vote more)

    -Luv KT

  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    WOW girl I felt the same way when things started going sour between me and my best friend but truth is people grow apart - i was hurt bad like you but then i figured out that i had changed just as much as she had - i loved the time we spent together but it was never supposed to last forever - nothing ever is - so keep ya head up girl things are gunna get easier k
    Stay smiling your friend Eirisa

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    hey great poem, really cool ending!

    ~lil slam~