Scar that lasts forever

by digiienjc   Nov 19, 2004

As she looks into the mirror
she thinks \"what a shame\"
just a girl dieing inside
turning into a demon
looking for redemption
actions of friends and family
turned her dark and depressed
by her look you know she's sad
knowing she could be better
she thinks to herself
\"if life is like this why live to see the end?\"
she then takes one last look in the mirror placing the knife one her wrist
feeling sad and lonely takes the first cut
releasing all the pain and all the suffering
finally finding a way to release it all
she said she didn't want to
but thats not how it worked out
her suffering has now ended
with a scar that lasts forever....


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  • 20 years ago

    by digiienjc

    thnxxx jade* lol...i thought of this one in hte middle of math class..for some reason thats were every poem comes to me? lol idk why but yeah

  • 20 years ago

    by Jade Castle

    Janelle this is a really expressing poem and i like it alot!!!
    x x