Deep Thoughts

by ChildofGod87   Nov 21, 2004

*!*My 'suga' wrote this, but he doesn't know that I put it on the site...'yet'..hehe...So, enjoy:) Thanx*!*

Deep thought process..
Feeling unloved..
Crawling into corner,
Being lonely as always,
Thinking of the bridge down the street
Thinking of sharp rocks..
Thinking of falling..
Thinking of the river..
Thinking of it being 30 ft deep
and the rapids it pulls with it..


^plz comment/rate^


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  • 19 years ago

    by CaTh

    That is gOoD... like evryone already said.. h emust not kill himself..
    BaByE XxxX-Cath

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow that is deep thoughts...