Comments : Suicide is Best when done by self

  • 20 years ago

    by Dani

    I like it :)
    and i thought it had good flow, but then all of a sudden it stopped rhyming and you got into this part:

    "so just throw all memories down
    the drain and forget i was ever
    alive cause i wont be back, i had a best friend he's name was the knife and it slit me to pieces and it felt so good, i am sorry for all the heck i have put you through now that i am dead u don't have to worry about me I'll be just fine
    so have a nice day and just forget about me!"

    Nothing bad about it, I like it too, but its like, part rhymes and part doesnt...hahah.
    well anyways, good job:)

  • 20 years ago

    by Nicole Maree

    I liked this poem. I'm sure alot of people could relate to it. I know I can. Keep up the great work. God Bless. Luv Nicole =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel
