Ian\'s Suicide

by Michelle   Nov 21, 2004

I sit in class and wonder why
Why your not here with me
I miss you so much
This just isn't right
I cry myself to sleep
Because I miss you
And I now realized
That you're never coming back
And I don't understand why
You were doing so well
You were turning your life around
You left me here
I was so confused
You were loved so much
Yeah, you were having problems
But you could have worked it out
Someone could have helped you out
But you chose the easy way out
And now everyone is suffering
Everyone is effected by this stupid decision
We'll never see you again
How could you do this to us?
We all loved you so much
I've read your note so many times
I've stared at your picture for hours on end
But I still don't have any answers
I don't think I ever will
I just want you to know one thing
I love you and I always will

This was written for my friend Ian who committed suicide on 9-15-03. He was like a brother to me. I miss him so much. RIP IAN MICHEAL ROBERTS


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  • 20 years ago

    by ripcs420

    i really liked ur poem and i kno exactly how it feels to lose a friend.

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    awww, very good poem. i am sorry for your loss.