Listen To Me

by Michelle   Nov 22, 2004

Are you listening?
This is important
I really don't know
How to tell you this

This may come as a shock
But it's how I feel
Please don't say anything
You'll make this harder than it is

I have been thinking
About our friendship
I just want to know
Where is this going?

I have told you how I feel
Many times before
Now I wanna know
Is this for real?

I don't care about the answer
I feel like I'm wasting my time
My time on you...
Tell me the I??

Am I just a blind fool
Waiting for the wrong thing
Or should I just leave??

That's what people are telling me
To leave you in the dust
Maybe that's what I should do

If you think different
Maybe you should act...
Act on your thoughts

Do you know....
How hard this is for me
After meeting you one year ago
I liked you from the first time our eyes met

You've changed over the summer
You are not as shy
But still funny as can be
I hope you don't change that

I have totally changed
In the past two years
I don't know who I am anymore

I hope you understand
Why I act the way I do
Maybe you can think about this
And rethink what you've told my friends
And maybe we will be friends until the end


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