Angel in disguise

by jenni   Nov 22, 2004

I couldn't face life anymore
I needed to be free
I needed to walk from it all
I couldn't handle being me.

I took the rope to that bridge
And tied it that special way
I was all determined and ready
To kill myself that day.

Because my life was sh*t
There was no point at all
I might as well be dead
With one swift fall.

I tied the noose to the bridge
And hooked it over my head
I knew nobody would miss me
I'd be better off dead.

Then I saw you approaching
A sad look upon your face
When you saw what I was about to do
You quickened your pace.

You ran over to me and pulled me back
An angel in disguise
You told me not to be stupid, you loved me
And gazed into my eyes.

I then realized I had something to live for
There was no need to feel so blue
I had my own guardian angel
And that darling angel was you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    aw that is amazing... I can totally relate my friends have saved me on many occasions, but I dont think they know how lucky I am to have them

  • 19 years ago

    by Olivier

    I just love the poem! I almost understand all the words and it does touch my soul. You must go on writing!

