I won't do bad

by CaTh   Nov 22, 2004

I see him at night, when every one is sleeping,
He is telling me to do bad but I refuse.
He tells me he'll hurt me, and haunt me.
I scream but it's as if no one can hear.
He laughs at me, I don't know what to do.
He tells me once more to do bad, I run upstairs grab a knife and try to pass it through him,
He is not real, I can't touch him but he can touch me.
I see a black hole opening up in the kitchen, he is flying over it.
He tells me to do bad again, I refuse, he pushes me into the hole,
and now I am falling forever.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Deathcanwait

    :( thats sooo sad. tis good, but sad. its reelee powerful. i like

  • 20 years ago

    by CaTh

    THX melanie!! Happpy you checked out my poems :)
    BaByE XxxX-Cath

  • 20 years ago

    by CaTh

    I wanted to write a new poem and as I kept writing I got so many dark ideas.. it's kind of cool once in a while.