A Million Reasons

by Amy   Nov 22, 2004

So I sit alone once again
And wipe the tears from my eyes
Shudder in darkness
While no one asks why I cry

Hug my knees to my chest
Run a hand through my long, tangled hair
Out from the shadows on the street
I sit and stare

People bustling on the street
Pass me by each day
In hurry to get to their perfect lives
Only throw a disgusted look my way

They stare at my clothing
All ripped and torn
And my face smudged with dirt
As if on street, was where I was born

The night creeps in quickly
Bringing with it the cold, icy rain
I huddle beneath a bridge
Trying to light a single, warm flame

My whole body trembles
My clothes cling to my bones
As there I lay my head down
To go to sleep on the cold, hard stones

Sunlight weakly awakes me
I sit up, My eyes red from crying all night
My hair rumpled and tousled
As I adjust to the light

My stomach churns in pain
I try to ignore how I feel
I pretend this is just a game
But in the end its all just too real

My knees tremble beneath me
My whole body shakes
I'm so weak and tired
I feel they might give way

Its time to take my medicine
I wander down the street
Making a deal
With the first stranger I meet

I give him what he wants
And when hes satisfied
He gives me what I need
For me to stay alive

So I take my fix
And for a while things seem so great
But soon reality comes crashing down
To let me know its fake

And when the night comes again
Once again in the darkness I cry
And if you only asked me
I could tell you a million reasons why


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by Ryu

    Not even me? lol

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy

    I have nothing to smile about.

  • 20 years ago

    by courtney

    wow. fantastic work keep it up!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    excellent job, I liked it

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Snow queen~*

    this is a great poem, very emotional and great. keep it up!