Extra Tears

by Amanda Conaway   Nov 22, 2004

What is going on with us these couple of weeks?
We are slowly slipping away from each others heart,
well thats what it feels like to me,
Because it seems you want to be apart,
I know things aren't the same,
But I'm trying to make the best of it.
And it seems like your not making any effort,
to keep seeing me after all we've been trough.
Please help me to make things right...
Because I don't want to lose you now,
I know you say that your sick of going to church to see me,
But sometimes thats the way it has to be.
You say you realize how much i want to be with you,
But deep down you know you really don't.
Because if you did,
then you would give your everything to have me around you,
but it seems like you have lost that longing.
You've left me on my bed with the covers and pillows soaked.
Because of the things you said.
Your words really hurt,
Deep inside,
you say you hate hurting me,
but if you really did,
you would love me just like you used to.
This is all coming from my heart,
the same heart that you took and still have,
the heart thats in your hands.
This heart is like no other,
It's fragile to the words,
but gentle to the touch.
Weather you know it or not,
your slowly backing away from me,
and your taking my heart with you.
Baby if you ever go, my heart is not returnable,
You will still have it and you will think of it,
in your rough hands that used to be laced with my soft skin,
and you will regret ever leaving me.

I wrote this October 7, 2004


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  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Conaway

    heh thanks girl, everythin is all fine now, we are so much better, so i'm good. and you will be too. You'll see.