Never ending

by Lucy   Nov 22, 2004

I'm gonna tell you a story
about blood and pain
now, after this story
you wont be the same

depression WILL haunt you, idolized by the dead
torment will CONQUER and reign through blood shed

immortal beginnings, morbid lives, tragic death
Your heart is so cold, and you'll make such a mess

-once upon a time, my dear, angels fell from love
(its unreal to think these sh!t faced beings once came from up above...)
Fallen angels, demons, either way, they were sure to make him pay
kill him, rip him, eat his flesh, thats all the demons say
"run like hell" who the fukc cares, he was getting no were soon
in through the door met by the maker of hell, he will surely see doom
In love, with bondage, beaten and eaten, so thirsty, so hot, "there so cold"
so sad to think this poor little man, has yet to see hell unfold-

you in hell now my baby, no ending to this story
no happy ending, no ending at all...
this is the way that hell truly goes, you'll know this soon after you "fall"
let ocean waves pass you, let sun shine on down, let the birdies fly over your head
now with this vision, intake such a beauty, this WONT be seen once your dead
eternity, oh how silly, believe and be bitten, be buried, be hurt and be scared!!!
this no ending story, so true, and so gory, will come while your unprepared...

Lee Nicole loves you


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  • 20 years ago

    by Luke

    uhmm...i dont really get it. it begins like its going to be a short story but then the actual story is maybe 10-20 lines. and the ending kinda confused me. the flow seemed a little choppy and a little rhyme might have help (with the flow). i dont know, im not a professional, just my opinion. peacee

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow! amazing poem! i love it!