I Never Thought

by Michelle   Nov 22, 2004

I never thought that
My hate would grow
This much

Such a strong feeling
But it's how I feel towards you

I never thought that
It would end like this
We were on the right track but...

You lied to me
I can't trust you anymore
Why would you do such a thing

Everyone is telling me...
Fool forget him...
He's not worth it

You know what??
They are right
You are not worth my time

But there's one thing
Holding me back...
My heart

Even though I know
I have to let you go
My heart is saying
Stay and keep him close

But that is the
One thing I don't want to do
You've made my life hell

All my problems
Are caused by you
I think it's time to let you go

I always thought
We'd be together, well,
You've ruined that

I never thought
My hate for you
Would grow this much


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