Close your eyes

by Leyesto   Nov 23, 2004

Close your eyes
Slip into the darkness
Hold my hand and follow my voice
I will guide you
I will save you
Save you from which urges to harm you
Save you from the light
Protect you in the wings of my dark night
Let me save you
Tilt your head
Feel my fangs and breath on your neck
Come to the night
Close your eyes
And slip into the darkness
Dream of demons and dark things
Let them sing your lullaby
Let your head down to sleep
Rest fully
When you wake look to the night sky
Feel the hunger in your veins
Feel the fangs in your mouth
Taste the blood tears
Let your soul slip away
And hunger takes its place
Your conscience fades
No remorse
No guilt
Only pleasure
No worrying about anything anymore
Just close your eyes
And slip into darkness


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  • 20 years ago

    by Ashlee Nicole

    Nice, I like your whole vampiri9c theme...Now do you really believe all that is which i wonder? Either way it was good..5!--Ash--

  • 20 years ago

    by Leyesto

    thank you for your comments i try to write my best and i write whats in my soul if that gives you any idea what my soul looks like lol

    Steven aKa Leyesto

  • 20 years ago

    by Jackie Prahl

    great work, I just wish it could really happen only to me death and imortality all in one the thirst for human blood with reason unknow a vamire by day and night my pain to disipear and be gone for "life" Oh well its impossible right I just wish I had the reasurance it was'nt that it could happen to me.wish I was called to the dark from the darkness I put my self in and others to live sur- real. Tell ya one thing mortality and life sucks theres only so much you can do be for you die yet no one will love you and no one gets the pain, yet they've felt it them selfs and passed it on. Lucky for them at least they can.If they knew what happened to me and my friend who I know call my angle they would truly understand. No I'm not crazy though sometimes I wish I was, I'm just a so called normal teen wanting nothing but death for my life is no longer happy and never will be agian, though it seems it to everyone else. anyway keep up the work your a really great poet and I'm sure its nice to be a vampire in the mortal way, good luck with any more.

  • 20 years ago

    by CaTh

    This is a NiCe poem!! Keep on writing... come check min eout (if you don't mind)
    BaByE XxxX-Cath