My vision of me

by «-Pale-Petals-»   Nov 24, 2004

I hate 2 look at myself,
What i see in my reflection,
I wish i was somebody else,
My nose, my ears, my complexion,

From the pimples & spots on my face,
2 my body, & skinny waist,
I'm not that short, & not that tall,
My breasts aren't big, there way 2 small,

I have a lot of insecurities,
That are constantly running through my head,
Many questions & lots of worries,
The many things i leave un-said said,

But I'm learning 2 accept myself the way that i am,
Ive realized no ones really as perfect as they seem,
I finally know where i stand,
& that people are only perfect in a dream...

**i think this is really bad, could u let me no wat u think?**


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  • 20 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    Auu, another wonderful poem. You truely are a good writer. :) *i just had to look at you're poems again*

    Take care always,
    xx - Kalah

  • 20 years ago

    by NeXTz

    Ahh beauty doesnt relly lie within... but sam is fine so i dunno wut she talking about :O

  • awww dont put yourself down like that! awesome poem. Beauty lies within....

  • 20 years ago

    by NeXTz

    LOL same you're fine i dunno what you are talking about... y u think i lyk u so much lol ^^

  • 20 years ago

    by HeAvENLy UniQue

    hey girl, i feel like i know where u are coming from... and i can tell ur not happy. and dat u ache. the poem is sad, and i have a poem similar ,a few of mines are similar to this one... if u ever feel like u need to talk or anything..leave me msg or email me. my email is on my profile. and i got AIM.. and MSN.. if u have it too, hit me up... theres always room for friends. ;)

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