Rain Dancer pt.2

by SplitSided   Nov 24, 2004

Questions fill my empty thoughts.
Reminding me on what I've come acrossed.
The likings of you.
And for once I thought someone was true.
But that couldn't be you.
You chewed me up and spit me out.
You got me good without a doubt.
Now the jokes on me.
You made that clear to see.
"How can you fall in love with someone that you don't ever talk to" is what you said.
Well that right there shot me down and left me for dead.
Christ, You could have meant the world to me.
But that wasn't ever meant to be.
Apparently I'm not good enough.
Apparently I'm not taking this rough.
For christs sake I said what i said and meant it.
Cancel all of our plans.
Forget about holding hands.
Christ, it was all just a dream.
With me as a joke and a theme.
Destined to walk the world alone.
Like my mind my heart has turned to stone.
All because you didn't take me for real.
And because of that pain is all I feel.
Your no longer there.
That goes to show how much you care.
I have a question that you can't answer.
I guess this means goodbye rain dancer...


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