by christine   Nov 24, 2004

It started a few years ago.
i saw him and i liked him
the like grew to a type of love...
we became good friends..

Your a few years older then me...
but i didnt really care...
you were always with my cousin...
i thought you guys best friends...

At my cousins graduation, you were there...
i didnt know you were gonna be there...
so i was happy...
we danced but not alot...
you were mostly with richy...
i had to leave now...
i said goodbye..

The next day was athers Day...
you were there with richy and his parents..
that i had NO clue about...
so once again i was happy to see you...

My brothers, jessie, rcichy, u and I went to the park...
That was awsome...
you through me in the sand a couple of times..
but playfully...
you kept askin me if i would go out with you...
i quickly got up and ran to the swings...

After the park we went to the pool...
we had a great time there...
i had fun...
we all had fun...
then we had to leave..

When i got to my grandparents house were the party was..
i took a shower..
you were with my cousin jessie...
you guys talked for a while..
about what you ask.i have no clue

You were going home..
you left me your number and told me to call you...
i didnt really want to..but i said yes and took your number...

The next day i called you...
and you once again asked me out...
i wasnt really sure what to say..
so i said i dont know and i said i had to go and eat..
We kept talking
then i told you i would go out with you
when i got to my house,
i called you to
you would always call my line
at all times of the night.

I would be asleep
but you were awake...
then when i would call you,
you would say your asleep...
i was kinda sad

you would tell me to do things i didnt want to do...
when richy came over,
and told the story about you guys not talkin anymore...
and then he told me you STOLE from him...
i was pissed at you manny...

I told you i loved you!
you said it to,
you knew me manny...
i actually trusted you

I called you one time in the middle of the night..
you answered and you were on the other line with your friends joe and some girl...
you told me to hold on...
and we three- wayed..
you called joe back..
and we started talking..

joe called me his baby girl..
but he didnt even know me
i thought it was cute
joe gave me his number...
i called him later...
we started talkin on july 21st, 2003

i started to like joe and i think he liked me to
he asked me out july 22nd, 2003
and he treats me rite...
its kinda weird, how we just met and he asked me out.

Later i found out he knew richy
i was scared richy would find out..but he never did

im so confused on how to trust anyone!
i love joe cuz he was sweet to me..but i like mannie cuz i knew him so confused on who to love or like....

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  • 20 years ago

    by FireCracker

    its long but awesome .. 5/5