Metal meet me

by EpithetPoet   Nov 24, 2004

Metal meet me
Make me whole
Penetrate my skin
As well as my soul

Let it glide
Caress my skin
Toy with it
Then let it in

Blood would flow
As the River Stix
Tears fall from heaven
The liquids then mix

Tears from God
Fall with my own
Makes me think
I'm not alone

Too late now
My fate is sealed
Along with the gash
That never healed

So easy to
Just a slip of a knife
Yet it's a sin
To take one's life

How can God
Be considered so great?
When He turns His back
On my very fate?

Going to Hell
My preacher would say
Guess we'll see
As here i lay

Thoughts are fuzzy
As i lie to drain
Yet happy am i now
And will always remain


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kia

    I like this poem it is very open and revealing. you put a lot of emtion into it. i like the short choppy lines it made the poem flow very well

    i love this stanza

    Blood would flow
    As the River Stix
    Tears fall from heaven
    The liquids then mix

    i for one am very intrested in Greek Mythology and its cool that you could use the river as a symbol in your poem its really good could you do me a favor and read some of mine please thanks and awesome job

  • 20 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    Good poem... keep writing.
    Sorry, I have absolutely nothing else to say, lol, I am gobbersmacked, so, thoughts aren't processing right now.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    great job! 5/5 PLP

    ~lil slam~

  • 20 years ago

    by Luke

    awesome poem. i love the smooth aproach and delicate wording. keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    What a wonderful poem...Love it!

    Keep Well
    xx - Kalah