She killed herself

by jescelle   Nov 25, 2004

let me tell you,
there was no reason to take her away from me.
she didn't want to go on living,
but that doesn't mean you had to start giving her what she wanted for once.
Ive never seen you give her what she wanted before,
it doesn't make sense to start now.
now all she does is serve you,
did you really need her?
did you really have to make her want to die that bad?
there is no reason why you had to plan out a life for her,
I'm sure if shed had the choice she would have planned it out herself.
but I'm just sick and tired of praying,
when all that comes of it is pain and anguish.
i remember a time when you almost took her away,
she was lying on the bathroom floor,
asking you,
begging you to take her away to a special place....
but where did you put her?
did she go to hell?
did she go to heaven?
did you leave her soul to rot here on earth?
its your fault you know,
that she did that.
you just sat back and watched as she took the whole bottle of pills and then cut her wrists open.
why the hell would you do that?!?
its high time i stopped praying,
and its time i started relying on myself...
have you even taken the time to look?
did you see the pain she was going through?
i remember the miracles you used to perform,
making a man walk on water,
or making a blind man see...
why couldn't you have performed alittle miracle on her?
just this once?
will you do something for me?
will you keep her and love her and make her feel wanted?
for once?
cause she never had that before...
and i think she deserves it.


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  • 20 years ago

    by jescelle

    a girl from this site......

  • 20 years ago

    by jescelle

    why was it terrible?

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    awww, jescelle! i luv ya!! damn, your not going to believe this. right after i emailed you to say i would email you everyday, my computer was taken out of my room. so now i can only get on at school. :( thanksgiving, though, was completely horrible! well i have to go now...i'll catch up later!

  • 20 years ago

    by jescelle

    a girl i know.......