Why am i here?
no one seems to care
no one is close or near
I shout out to you for help
but you don't come to rescue me from my misery
Why am i feeling i don't belong?
i feel invisible to you and everyone in my life
no one cares anymore
you use to love and care for me 10 years ago when i was 4
what happened?
it's as if you hate me now cause I'm older and cause I've made mistakes in life
You never say "i love you" anymore
oh i long for those so much
but you make me feel unwanted and unloved
You told me i was supposed to be born on April fool's
is that all i am to you?
a fool?
only a fool to believe that you actually cared about me
You were never there to comfort me when i was feeling down
now that you have made me feel this way
it's as if i am losing everyone all around
I want to be loved
i want to be comforted by someone who cares
but obviously you don't
So what if i am a difficult child
i get it from you
But i want your love so much
but your not showing it to me
so......why am i still holding on?
maybe one day you'll come to your sense and figure out who you truly are!