Comments : The Girl I Used To Know

  • thanks, but i think its too late unfortunatly, shes been bolimic(sp) for a year and i just found out a week ago that she was doin this to herself. :o[

  • i hate talking about people like this but, she kinda has split personalities, its weird, like she can be really nice, but then she can like keep secrets like that for a year without telling me.

  • 20 years ago

    by Britt

    hey! this is a really good poem, kinna sad though that your friend got sucked into all that crap. It is really bad, but don't worry I know exactly how you feel I've definately had it happen to me many times....
    thanx for commenting on my poem..and i gave it a 5!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • thanks for the comments guys!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lipton

    Hey! Great job. I know an "angel" that went "devil". (She wasn't bolimic, but she did do "naughty" things). Anyway, great job!

    ~ciao Lipton

  • 20 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    Keep up the great work I loved it! I know how that feels, me and my friend went through the same thing but we're still the best of! Shes back to her old self and great now in days, And everything will get better, just give it time!
    PS. Thanks for the comment on my poem!
    As always~

  • thanks, maybe you can answer my ?, do you get a comments award from recieving or giving comments?

  • 20 years ago

    by Fisherman

    Good friends face the truth about one another's behavior tho I know it's hard to do. Enjoyed your poem!!

  • thanks for all the comments! 6_6

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    wow this is amazing. I can totally relate to how you are feeling right now.. Dont worry it gets better after a while

  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    For those of you who have suffered with an eating disorder you would know that its not exactly something your proud of, its not something you go telling everyone about of course you keep it secret - most ppl suffering are so ashamed of it, they know they need help but can't bare to admit weakness and can't ask for it...its hard but i have been there. You can't be mad at your friend for not telling you, its now that she needs your support and friendship the most to help her get thru this, she might not have told you babes but if i were you i would be more thinking about she felt that she couldn't tell you and what is going on in her life to make her be doing this kinda thing - be there for her she needs you! It was a wonderful close and dear friend who helped me overcome my eating disorder, i still falter here and there but now i am happier and healthier with many thanks to for the poem it was great excellent choice of words and very expressive well done!
    Your friend Eirisa

  • thanks, i will try to support her even though we're not all that close of friends, and now I understand why she didn't tell me. she doesn't even know that I know, and I think she wouldn't trust the friend that told me anymore if I told her that I knew.

  • 20 years ago

    by ♥Me™

    another great poem *votes 5* kaylyn

  • 20 years ago

    by Lydia O

    Excellent poem. It is very sad when friends let us down this way and they lose our respect with their own self destructive behavior.