To the parents

by ElegantlyWasted   Nov 26, 2004

Could you please stop yelling
This screaming is hurting my head
Please Dad, just quit cursing at me
Stop acting as though I'm dead

"Haven't you planned dinner yet?"
No sorry Dad, i really did try
But you pushed me aside again
You feed me with more lies

I'll try harder today, Dad!
I'll clean up as much as i can
Just so you can be proud of me
And realize what sort of daughter i am

Dad, why won't you listen?
Is it because you don't care?
I'm really sorry i was born
I just wish you and Mum were there

"Child, I wish you'd grow up"
Well Mum i tried that to
But every time i stood tall
You told me i wasn't as good as you

You always brought me down
You told me to hide away
Never was i allowed to live
In my room i had to stay

Did anyone know about me?
Did you tell them i was your girl?
I guess it was hard for you
You never wanted me in the world

Mum, i hate this pathetic family
You both laugh in my face
It's like you're both heartless
So it's time to leave this place

So before you have the chance to cry
Or say that maybe you're sorry
I'd just like to say I'm leaving
And theres no need to worry

I've packed my bags and I'm set
I don't need my parents evil eyes
You were both gutless and weak
And now I'm free from the lies.

-I wish my parents would care about me.-


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  • 17 years ago

    by Untamed

    I can relate. brilliantly written. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by ShootingStar

    i almost cry while i read your poem. cuz i totally feel the same way.5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by christina

    hey it was a grt poem and a sad one :'( u nearly made me cry.......
    i hope ur doin fine now ......
    grt poem
    always smile

  • 20 years ago

    by shelley

    hey it not that hard for me, but i no how u fell, it sux. that was a awesome poem tho, good stuff. hope u alright. xx

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    Another great poem! I know how ya feel... Keep up the good work!
    Keep your head up girl..