
by Kristin   Nov 26, 2004

I'll do anything for money,
just tell me what to do,
I'll do anything that's funny,
I'll bend backwards all for you.

I love you money so dearly,
You help me out a lot,
You make me see clearly,
You make me feel really hot.

I can buy all sorts of things,
That I never could before,
I can buy those diamond rings,
From that richy snotty store.

I can buy expensive handbags,
That make me look real cool,
I can have designer tags,
Without looking like a fool.

The guys drool over me,
And all of my money,
For my attention ohh they plea,
I laugh and think it's funny.

I bought a friend with my money,
She is so nice to me,
She is always so bright and sunny,
And she'll never disagree.

I am now rich with you,
I have money everywhere,
But something is still missing,
Everything is still unfair.

People don't seem to notice,
They think I am a snot,
Maybe I need more money?
I have filled my money pot.

I am not happy now,
Look what you have done,
I make everyone bow,
But I just wanted to have fun.

I took off all my make-up,
I took off my fancy shoes,
I gave away my handbags,
and I have changed all my views.

Money can't buy happiness,
it can buy material things,
it's only there to impress,
The rich and snotty Kings.

I think I learned my lesson,
I hope you learned one too,
Without money I am happy,
No more days of feeling blue.

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  • 19 years ago

    by Russell

    Nice poem..I love it.It flowed ver well and had a great story to tell.Keep up the good work and take care. 5/5


  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    Great poem i really like, money is to important now a days, ppl get to distracted by it

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    excellent poem! i love the message you send about money not buying happiness. great writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    I saw your post and having a poem called Money made a bit curious. It's an awesome poem. People think because someone can buy a jag and a 15 bedroom house that they are happy. They are happy because because they're so rich but that's hardly the case. I don't have lots of money and truthfully I don't wish I did. I am comfortable with what I have, I work hard for my money and I am proud of what I have and very happy. The message in this poem is awesome....Keep it up and take care.