Comments : Have you ever?

  • Wow...another brilliant poem by my favorite author on here =D. Seriously, you really have a great talent for writing poetry and I look up to you as a new writer. You really inspire me to work at it harder because your poems are all really great and well written. I can relate to this poem a lot, and its just...beautiful. Keep it up ^^.

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    yes to all of the above!! Very good!! I hope you're okay!!
    Love ya

  • 19 years ago

    by SadnesssMadnesss

    that is so true! this past month ive really been finding out that i aint the only one . one of my friends moms has to get her reproductive organs removed so she wont get cancer, one girls mom made her move to georgia so she can go to a program so she can stop besting her kids. and i always thought I was the only one who was depressed.and ive been finding out that i was very wrong. So i wrote a poem just like this one called "not only me". But yours was worded better.I really like all of your poems and i comment on every poem I read, so you're bound to see me on other of your comments. -.Y.M