I run up the stairs, into my room I slam the door
I go into my corner, roll up into a ball
And thats when I cry, so much my eyes turn as red as a rose
I'm going to tell the first part of it all
Once I can take control of myself
I breathe in and out
I go ahead and say my feelings I try not to shout
I'm so sorry, I was ever brought into this world
I'm not meant to live, with this bad luck everyone gives
I blame everyone I know
No love to fill my heart, it hurts so much
I can't even dare to look at you in your eyes, it makes me want to cry
Because when you look someone in there eyes that special way
You mean to say "I love you"
And thats nothing you'll ever do
I'm so sorry, God please take me back
I'm so sorry, my hearts fading to black
I'm so sorry, you have a depressed little angel for a daughter
I'm so sorry, things don't work out
That isn't the end of my loveless life
This is just what the beginning is all about
Plz comment, and I'll be sure to comment back, thanks- Monique