I cant believe your gone

by Rachel   Nov 28, 2004

I cant believe you took off like that
In a blink of an eye our lifetime friendship disappeared
I thought you would always be my best friend
The one and true
Stand strong.
But it just ended
I cant believe you betrayed me like that
Saying I had no right to live
Because you took it away.
I cant believe it ended like this
I cant believe your gone

We made a vow we would always be there for each other
I was there for you
But you were never there for me
You told me you would be my crying shoulder
But I was yours.
Everything you said to me
Put in me
Were lies.
I just cant believe your gone.

I thought we would stay strong till the very end..
I guess I was wrong
Reality pushed us away
You became a school snob
I was out alone.
You chose the school sl-ts
Instead of your supposed to be best friend
You left me alone
While you rode off
To have a one night stand
I cant believe your gone..

I knew something like this would happen.
I just didnt know it would happen so quickly
I faced reality
And kissed our friendship good bye.
I knew it would never work.
You were always the cool one..
But I was never that sure.
You always got the guys.
I knew i would never measure up to your standards

Until today
I begin now to believe.
That you are gone
And never coming back.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    hey that was written well...i'm sorri if your friend actually did that to you...keep writing...i am lookin forward to seein some more of it!