GOD::He Turned His Back::AIDS

by Danielle   Nov 29, 2004

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A young doctor was on his knees
The sky and stars in sight
Tears were falling down his cheeks
As he prayed to god one night

“Please Lord, I need your help! My little boy is only 2,
And he has gotten AIDS! There is nothing I can do.”

“Please Lord, Give me the strength. Send someone today,
With the cure and knowledge, to help me find his way.”

And so the young doctor
Sat quietly and cried alone
And then He heard a deep whisper
From somewhere unknown

“Dear, boy, I am so very sorry, but I can not help your son.
It is your own fault that this is happening, Look at what you have done.”

The doctor did not realize
His son was going to die
“Please Lord just help me.”
But he chose to ignore his cry

He went home disappointed
He did not understand,
And that night as he laid his head
He dreamed God took his hand.

Walking through the beautiful clouds
Far, far up above,
He saw a lot of children
Full of laughter and love.

All staring deeply at the doctor
Sadness filled their young eyes
They began to run from him
Far into the beautiful sky

“Why do they fear me Lord?
What have I done?”
But God didn’t answer him
After the kids left them alone

Walking through the beautiful clouds
The Lord began to cry,
“This is what my children would have been, if they would not have died.”

There sat many people
Whom he didn’t recognize
Scientists, doctors, and others
With sadness in their eyes

"Lord I do not understand
As his kneeds fell to the floor
What have I done father?
To deserve to be ignored?"

My dear boy, there is nothing I can do
I already done what you say
It’s not my fault they’re back here
The price they’ve had to pay

You see, I’ve already created someone, who would have saved your son.
But they never got their chance, because you aborted every one.”

:It doesn't happen very often, but blood transfusions can cause someone to get AIDS, that is what I based this piece on... Thank you. Tell me what you think.:


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Jerri

    That poems was awesome and it is so true, very well written.

  • 19 years ago

    by london grace

    Very good. 5/5 this poem shows strong emotions.

  • 19 years ago

    by amanda

    I absolutely love this poem, I hate the thought of abortion... and the way you wrote it OMG it's just awesome!! great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    EXCELLENT!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Free_Spirit

    very very gud!! g i wish i had sucha talent like urself!,i liked da way u made a thnk @da end! very gud again hehe keep it up!

    peace out

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