I try to forget but i remeber more

by Christina   Nov 29, 2004

I'm going off the deep end
i don't know what to do
i try to face everyday
living without you
i try to not cry
when i lay in bed at night
the tears just come without warning
i try to put up a fight
i go to work and try to smile
i really think i do
but everyone knows the difference
when I'm not with you
the smile stays for maybe a second
before it fades away
everyday its always the same
i try to drink away the pain
in hopes that it wont return
but aways i end up laying in bed
wishing i was with you
i try to move on
with random guys i date
but at the end of the night
i always push them away
i try to act as if i don't care
just like you tend to do
yet everynight i lay in bed looking at a picture of you
i realize lying is very hard to do
i try push away the memories
but they just come back
and remembering them again just makes me more sad
i try to act like I'm too good for you
yet i realize I'm not the one who broke up with you
i guess the more i try
the more pain i feel
and i guess i should act like its no big deal
but the more i try to forget
the more i remember
i need to give up and realize that love don't last forever.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tiffany Chu

    this was a great poem it totally explains how i feel