For you...(Sick Inside pt.2)

by SplitSided   Nov 29, 2004

My most trusted friend.
That was with me until the end.
Always there to hold my hand.
Always there to hold me up when I couldn't stand.
Keeping me alive from day to day.
There to tell me that I was going to be okay.
There to keep me company in my own prison.
There to help me with an indecision.
Sometimes my sworn enemy.
But still living inside of me.
Making decisions for me.
Looking at things I couldn't see.
Your the one friend I've had all my life.
You kept me away from that suicidal knife.
You weren't there all the time but that's ok.
I didn't expect you to stay.
You told me you would leave from time to time.
And these problems are mine.
So by myself I face them with pride.
But with you I'm still sick inside...


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