My life my mask

by selina   Nov 29, 2004

You look at me and u think u know who i am
U don't know
blinded by the appearance of others
deceived by people
Lied to by people
but u must
like everyone
trust no one
decide who u want to be
why be like everyone else?
when you can look like every1 else
but b different inside?
internally you are who you are
The outside is simply a mask
You think u know me
You have no idea who i am
You nothing about me
You know nothing about my life
Why do u think your different?
Your all the same
Even being different.....
Your all exactly the same
So shut up and live
You will live a shitty life
Then die
and still not know me
You say you dont care but really you do
it's tearing u up inside
you don't want to know the real person inside every ones mask
for it will change
who you like
who you hate
who you trust
and whom you love
If you knew the real me you'd think differently
I'm not who you think i am
I am some one no one has met
Every one is blinded by the mask
The mask is only a mirage of what you think
If u must know who i am
I am you
We are all the same


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  • 20 years ago

    by selina

    i'm glad there are people that can relate to my poems, that is probably one of the main reasons i even write poems